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Digital Marketers | eCom Store Owners | Coaches | Course Creators | Bloggers | Freelancers

Boost Your Sales And Lead Conversion Rate By 60% By Just Adding This Single Line Of Code To Your Website

Set This Up In 3 Minutes, And Watch Your Website Deliver More Sales, Leads, And Clicks Than You Ever Got - Zero Technicalities Involved

Watch This Short Training Video To Learn How

Watched the video and love the technique?

Then Get Our Anniversary Deal Now - No Upgrade,
No Upsell, All Future Updates Included

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Our Existing Users Are Getting Awesome Results With The Code

My email list has grown massively ever since I started using this tool. My visitors somehow couldn’t resist the notifications the code pops up, and I was able to get 1,200 extra leads in my first month of using it

Jason Lawrence

Our sales conversion has significantly improved since I inserted the code into our eCom store. We made $11,550.50 extra revenue the first month we tested it, and it has continually increased. It works

Emily K

I run a coaching business, and I rely on appointment booking to get leads that I close over the phone. Since inserting this code into my booking page, I have gotten over 60% more bookings than I usually get. I highly recommend it

Mark Tomsy

How We Found Out How Powerful This Code Is

We duplicated our sales page and added this single line of code on one of the sales
pages. Then sent an equal amount of traffic to both pages.

Here was the result:

From the results, the sales page that had this code
inserted into it got 53% more sales compared to the one without the code.

$22,770 from the website with the code

$14,850 from the website without the code

We Also Tested This On A Webinar Registration Page We Were Promoting

Here was the result:

As you can see, the sales page that had this code
inserted into it got 53% more sales compared to the one without the code.

364 leads from the page with the code

220 leads from the page without the code

Get It Today, Set it Up On Your Website, Landing page, Or Funnel In 3 Minutes, And Watch How Your Conversion Balloons

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

So What Is This Code, And Why Does It Work?

You see, human beings are social animals.

It’s in our DNA to want to do what others are doing.

It kinda makes us feel safe due to the unconscious belief that if others are doing it, it probably is the right thing to do.

Let me share a practical example with you.

Let’s assume you entered a mall to buy a gadget for your apartment.

Then, you see one that seems interesting, but you’re not sure whether to choose it or not.

While you’re still there contemplating, someone just comes, picks it up, and goes away.

Then a second person comes and picks it up, while you’re still there.

And then another shopper walking past that gadget section sees the product in your cart, and says: “I love this product. I bought it and it’s excellent”.

At that point, you suddenly feel the urge and pressure to also pick it up.

Unconsciously, you feel that since these people are purchasing this, it means it must be a great product.

PLUS, someone already confirmed it’s great, reinforcing the belief that you’re making the right decision.

So, you quickly checkout, and walk away with it happily.

This is called Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO), and it happens to everyone, whether they are buying from the mall, the local market, or online.

And Adding This Single Line Of Code In Your Website Creates That Feeling In The Mind Of Your Visitors

By inserting this single line of code into your website, you can show well-timed notifications on your website…

… notifications that make your visitors feel like they are missing out on something if they don’t do what you want them to do.


Imagine that your visitor is on your website and contemplating whether to buy or not...

Then suddenly, they see a notification that James from Canada just bought the same product they are still contemplating buying or not.

What do you think will happen at that point?

The herd mentality quickly sets in, and they immediately buy so as not to feel left out.

Or maybe…

While they are still on your page thinking to sign up or not, they see a notification showing a 5-star review from another customer who already bought and is enjoying the product you’re selling.

This will immediately trigger the fear of missing out on your visitor, and they’ll pull out their cards and buy or register right away.

These are just two examples out of the many conversion-boosting notifications that our simple but powerful tool can push to your website at just the perfect time to get you higher conversions.

And this works by just inserting a single line of code from this tool into your website, blog, sales page, lead generation page, or any part of your funnel.


A no-code conversion-boosting
website notification creator

Used by over 1,500 online businesses

Over 9,000,000 notifications served

Constantly updated - now in our 3rd year

Super Easy to use - no coding required

Over 75 5-star reviews

And it works with all the tools you already use:

Anniversary Bundle Package Available Today

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

So, Who Is Using Konvata?

Bloggers who want to build an email list, or showcase special offers on their blogs.

Cheryl uses Konvata to offer her blog readers exclusive content in exchange for their emails. She also uses it to display the best comments from her blog readers, so as to entice new readers to stick. In addition, she also displays her new offers to her visitors using Konvata. The result is over 7,000 leads collected within 4 months, higher engagement on her blog, and more sales for her offers.

Digital Marketers who want to get more than average sales from their funnels

Brad Cullinan uses Konvata on his sales pages to show real-time sales notifications and reviews. This makes his visitors more confident to buy his offer, knowing that real people are buying and reviewing it too.

Coaches and consultants who want to get more bookings and appointments where they can close clients

Neil McLarry uses Konvata to show his new visitors the number of bookings he’s gotten in the last 60 minutes. His leads see it and are moved to book too, so they don’t miss the available spots. He also flashes reviews at some points to reinforce his social reputation to the visitors, making them even more eager to book an appointment.

eCom Store owners who want more sales for their products, and recover abandoned carts

Adrienne runs a beauty store and uses Konvata to display her special offers and promotions to her audience, based on if they are new visitors or returning visitors. She also uses it to recover abandoned carts using the special exit-intent coupon display. According to her, this has saved her more than 20% of her lost sales.

SAAS Businesses who want to showcase a demo of their software, and acquire new users with ease

The team at Moosbu uses Konvata to display the demo of their software and to get new trial users using the real-time free-trial signup notifications. They also are able to build up their social media following using Konvata.

Affiliate Marketers who want to make more sales and get more commission for the offers they're promoting

Phil Sultanic runs an affiliate review website, and uses Konvata to showcase his hottest affiliate offers to his new visitors, with a special discount code. He also uses Konvata to collect emails from visitors who are interested in the type of products he reviews. That way, he’s able to make extra money from promoting new offers to them through emails too.

Anniversary Special Bundle Available Today

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Here Are All The Types Of Sales And Conversion-Boosting Notifications You Can Create With Konvata With Zero Coding Skills

Latest Conversion

Display real-time conversion information (sales, signups, bookings, etc) as they occur on your website. It initiates the “I don’t want to be left out” feeling in the mind of your visitor, forcing them to also buy, sign up, or take any action you desire.

Conversions Counter

Display the number of sales or leads that have occurred within a set period. This is a powerful social proof tool that makes your customer believe that your offer must be so good, hence the reason many people are taking it.

Video Display

A good use case for this popup is to display product demos, sales videos, or even testimonials from users. Konvata will display the video to your visitors at the set time or condition, and you can call up this video from YouTube, Vimeo, or any Self-Hosted platform


Offer special discount codes that are instantly copied with a click and applied to the cart. You can use this to recover abandoned carts and push your potential buyer to act now so as not to miss the discount

Live Counter

Let your visitors know the number of people active on your website at that moment. This boosts your social acceptance, as when your visitor knows that others are also on your website, it convinces the visitor that being on your website at that moment was the right decision

Lead Magnetor

Get the attention of your audience to your lead magnet using this simple and clean notification. Get them to enter their email to get access to the resource.

Email Collector

Get your visitors to sign up for your newsletter or to get a special lead magnet with ease using this special attention-grabbing, but non-intrusive popup.


Customer reviews are a great way to boost the confidence of your visitors in the quality of the products or service you want to sell to them. Use this popup to display the customer reviews you have uploaded to Konvata

Countdown Timer

Most people like to act under pressure. They wait on an opportunity and only rush when the time is almost over. This popup creates that urgency, making them rush to sign up for your leads, event, or webinar.


Display important announcements from your company to your visitors with this sexy popup. You can show product updates, the latest news, new wins, new product release, or just about any important information you want your visitors to see.

Social Share

Build your audience on top social media platforms by encouraging your website visitors to follow you on those platforms. Konvata helps you create attractive social media popup with ease

Emoji Feedback

This popup lets you get the feedback of your visitors on how much they enjoyed your website.

Cookie Notification

User consent is almost like a must these days. You need the consent of your visitors to collect and store cookies on their browsers, and this popup lets your visitors give you this consent with a click.

Custom HTML

You can even embed a fully designed HTML element and have Konvata display it on your website according to your settings. An example includes forms from your autoresponder, widgets from other tools, etc.

Call Back Request

A good way to get the contact information of your visitors for easy follow-up, is to allow them to request a call-back. With this popup, you can have your website display a call-back request form to your visitors at set intervals or conditions.

Score Feedback

Similar to emoji feedback, you can ask your visitors to rate their experience on your website on a scale of 1-5. This will help you know when it’s time to improve or consolidate

Others Includes

Informational Bar

Share special information with your visitors using the top bar navigation


Display a small widget with an informative Image of your choice.

Collector Bar

Collect emails or leads without distracting the users.

Coupon Bar

Top or bottom simple bar to give your visitors a nice coupon for them to use.

Button Bar

Top or bottom cool bar to promote anything to your visitors.

Modal Two Collector

Collect leads with a nice looking and big modal.

Call to action

Raise awareness and cta with a nice-looking modal.

Text Feedback

Collect better and more straightforward insight from your users.

Engagement Links

Display a subtle widget that contains all of your relevant links.

Whatsapp Chat

Start a chat with your website visitors on WhatsApp using this popup

Contact us

Display a widget notification with your contact details

And we keep creating more according to customer demands

Anniversary Special Deal Available Today

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Why Choose Konvata And Not Any Other Popup Creator?

Super simple to use

Our users say this is the simplest popup builder out there.

We understand that many of our users are not techie. And that’s why we built it in a way that even a 9-year-old can set it up in 3 minutes.

Watch the demo video here to see it for yourself

Unique and Automated triggers

When would you want the notification to show up?

You have lots of options for this inside Konvata.

You can set it to fire when your visitor tries to leave your website, when they’ve spent a certain amount of time, or when they’ve scrolled to a certain section of your website.

You can even have the notification triggers when they click or hover on a particular button or element on your page…a new feature we just introduced.

Intelligent targeting

Decide which pages of your website you want your notifications to show, and where they should not show.

You can also decide to allow it show to only people from a particular city or country, or exclude some cities or countries from seeing it.

Everything is up to you and your choice.


Our users say this is the simplest popup builder out there.

We understand that many of our users are not techie. And that’s why we built it in a way that even a 9-year-old can set it up in 3 minutes.

You’re completely in control

Modify any popup to any color you want.

You can change virtually anything on the popup. From the text to the font, image, text, border, background colors, and much more.

You’re completely in control.

Integrates with the tools you already use

Our users say this is the simplest popup builder out there.

We understand that many of our users are not techie. And that’s why we built it in a way that even a 9-year-old can set it up in 3 minutes.

Get all the data you need to make decisions

How many visitors saw your popups?
How many clicked on it?
Where are they coming from?
What’s their conversion rate?
Which popup is getting more results?

Get every data you need to make smart and wise decisions for your business with Konvata

Watch How Easy You Can Set This Up In 3 Minutes

DEAL: During this anniversary offer, we can even help you set it up for free if you want

My email list has grown massively ever since I started using this tool. My visitors somehow couldn’t resist the notifications the code pops up, and I was able to get 1,200 extra leads in my first month of using it

Jason Lawrence

Our sales conversion has significantly improved since I inserted the code into our eCom store. We made $11,550.50 extra revenue the first month we tested it, and it has continually increased. It works

Emily K

I run a coaching business, and I rely on appointment booking to get leads that I close over the phone. Since inserting this code into my booking page, I have gotten over 60% more bookings than I usually get. I highly recommend it

Mark Tomsy

Special Anniversary Bundle Package Available

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Can You Do Without Konvata?

Absolutely YES!
In fact, there are many businesses that are not using it.
However, available data suggests that websites using kONVATA are
getting more results than those who aren’t using it.

Those using it on their lead generation pages are getting 65% more leads than those not using it.

Those using it on their sales pages and eCom stores are getting 60% more sales than those who are not using it

Even bloggers who are using it on their blogs are getting more leads, more traffic to their special offers, and more clicks on their ads than those who aren’t using it.

So, the decision is up to you

Do you want more, or you are satisfied with what you already have?

And Because This Is Our 3rd Anniversary

We’re Throwing 6 Special Bonuses For You
(Available For The Next 5 Days Only)

Agency Access

Regular price = $97 Monthly

With this agency License, you can now add our conversion-boosting notifications on unlimited websites, even those of your clients, and get paid for it. You can also customize the “Powered by” signature on the notifications to reflect your brand name and link. This is a great way to get free traffic back to your website from every notification you create with Konvata.

Free Setup On Your Website

Regular price = $50

This won’t be like other tools you buy and dump because you don’t know how to set it up.

On the contrary, our team will help you set it up on your website so it can start boosting your conversion, bringing you more leads, sales, and traffic.

465 6-Figure Email Templates

Regular price = $297 one-time

Since Konvata is going to help you get more leads and more customers, you’ll need to follow up on them to convert the leads to customers, and the customers into raving fans who buy over and over again.

Get access to the email templates we use in-house to achieve these two objectives. These templates are responsible for bringing in $100,000+ in revenue for us yearly, mostly on autopilot.

Total Value Of Bonuses: $447

Get Our Anniversary Deal Now - No Upgrade,
No Upsell, All Future Updates Included

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee





Number of brands/websites




Notification category




Number of notifications




Number of Impressions




No Konvata branding

Data retention




API access


$99 One-time


Anniversary Deal Ends In:

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Use It For 60 Days -
If It Doesn't Increase Your Result, We'll Refund You, And You'll Still Keep The Tool

This tool isn’t just another popup tool.

And we don’t want you to buy it just out of fear of missing out.

On the contrary, we want you to feel the result that comes from it…more leads, more engagements, and more sales.

If you try this tool for 60 days, and you don’t notice a significant difference in your business stats, just let us know, and we’ll refund you.

Plus, you still get to keep the tool and all the bonuses that come with it.

A very bold promise, but we stand by it – try it now

Get Your Anniversary Deal Here

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Fair Warning

Our anniversary special ends soon – As soon as the timer hits zero.

This is our flagship offer, and we have over a thousand customers paying $27 – $97 per month to use it…that’s $324 – $1,164 per year.

And of course, it’s still cheaper and better than the other alternatives out there.

But in the spirit of our 3rd-year anniversary celebration, you’re getting the Agency (costs $97/month) version of the software for only a $99 one-time payment.

You get all the present and future upgrades (we’ve added a ton of features from the time we released version 1).

It’s open for 5 days only…well, depending on when you’re seeing this page.

As soon as the timer hits zero, the offer will close, and we’ll remove the ANNIVERSARY OPTION.

So hurry now…there’s nothing to worry about or risk since our 60-day guarantee covers you.

Here's a recap of everything you're
getting on this anniversary offer:

Unlimited access to our sales and conversion boosting popup builder; Konvata

Add unlimited website

Create unlimited popups

Access to all popup categories

Unlimited impressions and clicks

No Branding

Full customization

API and webhook access

All features, present and future

No recurring, no upgrade, everything inclusive

Bonus 1: Agency License

Create unlimited notification on unlimited websites, add your brand name and drive free traffic to your website

Bonus 2: Free Setup On Your Website

Don't have the time to set it up on your website? Our team will do it for your free of charge

Bonus 3: Access To Our 466 Sales-Pumping Emails

We give you access to all the emails we use in our business for every step of our customer journey. These are emails that guarantee sales.

Get Your Anniversary Offer Now

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Frequently Asked Questions

First, Konvata creates the FOMO effect in your visitors when they visit your page, making them to take action fast. The result is more sales, more leads, more engagements, and more traffic.
Besides the FOMO effect, it brings your visitors attention to things that matters most on your page. Check the use case section above for details.

Yes, it works on every platform. From HTML sites to WordPress, Magento, Shopify, Joomla, and even funnel builders like Clickfunnels, Comvetri, GHL, and more

We built this with tech-phobic people in mind. So, you don’t need to even understand what coding means to use this tool. Just watch the 3 minutes tutorial video, and you can set it up on your website in 3 minutes.

Usually, the impressions are capped. The more you use, the more you pay. But in this anniversary offer, you pay once, and get unlimited impressions, whether you get 100,000 or 10 million impressions, we’ll deliver it for you at no extra costs

Yes, we don’t collect critical information from your website. The only data we can access and save for you are your leads. And you can delete it from our system whenever you want.

Very simple! Just let us know within 60 days, and we’ll refund you. We’ll even allow you to continue using it if you want, or delete the account.

As soon as the timer on this page hits zero. So, don’t wait…this isn’t a fake FOMO, it’s real.

Get Your Anniversary Offer Now

Test Drive Policy: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Disclaimer: each client testimonial that you see is based on what our clients tell us. We don’t verify their financial statements, we take their word on it. Getting results in building a business is hard, and each of our clients works really hard to get results. We don’t guarantee any results and you should know that building a business and investing in marketing is a risk.